
Hello everyone my name is Jesse Aragona, I'm a History major minoring in Education, and I'm hoping to use this class to broaden my research pool. I tend to do well with writing, persuasive and informative but I feel that I could improve the depth of research I do before completing an assignment. Reading through the first article for class today made me give some thought to the resources we use in and out of Academia regarding history, especially the one sided nature of certain narratives. Using a combination of digital sources provides a more complete picture, and utilizing those sources from different view points gives us a better understanding of the past then simply taking the perspective of a single author. A digital resource pool of first and second hand documents also allows for work with documents that not all historians are able to access, giving us the tools to better familiarize ourselves with the past. Also my cat Bucky is here to garner some free internet points.

Bucky has constructed a border wall around this text.

Important Research.