Assignments,  Course Details

Final Project Guidelines

Your final project should be quantitative, argument-driven and interactive. The details are up to you. A project which is more heavily qualitative might only have one or two interactive visual elements; a heavily interactive project might have less essay text.

At a minimum, your project proposal should identify the dataset/s you’ll be working with, your team, and your goals. Your proposal must include:

  • a data critique
  • an outline of data cleaning you anticipate might be necessary
  • a brief secondary bibliography of other works related to your data
  • an outline of possible research questions or anticipated argument (think grant proposal)
  • an outline of goals for possible data visualizations and reader interactions
  • an outline of each persons’ responsibilities and roles if proposing a team project
  • a timeline of project milestones, in addition to the April 9 wireframe due date and May 16 final due date
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