Over time, the network gets bigger and more connections are added. Some major connectors I’ve found are Esras Sr., Anna and Joseph Clement, Cornelius Thanighwanege, Abraham Canostens Peterse, and Seth Sietstarare Karihoge.
The network compared by betweenness seems to have less connections than the one sized by degree. There are two main groups which only have a few connections between them. There are also a lot of smaller groups that have four to ten people in them, and they don’t connect to either of the larger two groups.
There seems to be a lot less large nodes when sized by betweenness. The network filtered by year provides a lot more major connectors than when it is filtered by betweenness. Many of the larger nodes when sized by betweenness are the same people as when it’s filtered by year.
The patterns formed by clustering seem like that don’t have much that is similar with individuals with high betweenness centrality. The only person in common that I saw was Anna Clement. This could have been because I missed some of the other major individuals when they were grouped in other ways, or that they weren’t as major when grouped differently.
The patterns formed by clustering look similar to the ones formed when the data was filtered by year. While the patterns compared by betweenness had two major groups that were clearly split, the patterns with clustering overlap a lot and don’t have any groups that are clearly split. It looks very similar to the way the patterns were when it was filtered by year.