
Networks (pre-Facebook edition)

Over time more networks are connecting people to each other. The people who connect small sub-networks include Aron Oseragighte, Cornelius Thanighwanege, and our chick Anna Clement.

Looking at 1735-1739, Anna Clement’s network by size degree doesn’t seem as significant as Aron Oseragighte or Cornelius Thanighwanege. However, looking at those same years with betweenness centrality, Anna Clement has the most connections. Looking closely at Anna Clement’s connections, we notice that nodes are connected to her (arrows pointing towards her nodes). These nodes have some relationship with Anna Clement, however, the arrows are not reciprocal.

When we cluster, Anna Clement has the highest amount of connections. We can see those connections grow over the years as well. So who is our mystery gal, Anna Clement? Is she the most popular lady in the town? Best godmother? While we can see these clusters and networks grow over the years, does this graph show us the level of Anna Clement’s relationships and networks?

The creepy social media site, Facebook, also shows us these connections and networks but it adds the extra information on how we are connected to our friends and family. So, what would Anna Clement’s facebook page look like? We see that she has 363 friends (nodes) but how many of those friends are relatives? Acquaintances? A friend of a friend? Betweenness of centrality and size by a degree can give us an idea of those networks but not the details.

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