
Introduction to Networks: Church Congregation 1735-46

In the first few years, the groups of the congregation do not seem to interact much, until 1738.  The more years that are added up until 1745, the larger that the networks grow (unsurprisingly).  This demonstrates that the congregation is expanding with time.  This growth can be explained as either a growth in the size and interactions of the community as a whole or the church in particular.  Either way, this growth is possibly demonstrating a time of peace or expansion.  Before the data is seriously manipulated, John Wemp and Mary Butler appear to be the biggest nodes.

However, upon examination (with more colors added in), other connective nodes are apparent.  Filtering by betweenness seems to decrease the size of nodes, as compared to filtering by year.  By comparison, cluster comparisons were closer to the look of the by year filtering.

Anna Clement seemed to play a large role in connecting the two subgroups of the church together when the data is viewed by clustering as opposed to the role played by Aron Oseragighte and Cornelius Thanighwanege on the by year view.  Other figures who play a larger role as explored on the clustering tab are Peter Young, Isaac Wemp, Abraham Canostens Peterse, and Cornelius Brown.

The various view point and manners of data organization allow for examinations of inter-personal relationships.  The clustering and other views, allow researchers to view groupings that might not be readily apparent in more traditional forms of research scholarship.

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