Rough Drafts

  • Rough Drafts

    England’s Immigrants Rough Draft

    The data set used was compiled by government records, such as tax forms, meaning that the data set is not entirely representative of the amount of women who immigrated during this period of 1330-1550. The very fact that women were not included in some government documents, however, supports the claim that women were afforded less opportunities during this period, specifically economically.

    This visualization intends to demonstrate the difference in employment of men and women at this time. Men had the opportunity to learn a trade through apprenticeships or learn a profession, such as law or medicine, whereas a woman was more likely to become an unemployed vagabond than a doctor, lawyer or even merchant.

    The purpose of the world cloud is to once again illustrate the lack of opportunity for women in terms of employment. The word cloud which represents men shows the different professions practiced, such as a smith, merchant, brewer or baker. The cloud representing women, however, features the term “servant” most prominently as it was the most commonly practiced profession by women of the period. The cloud is predominately composed of men’s names as well, the names being of the men the women were employed to. During this time, women had less autonomy and were defined by men in society as well as in the eyes of the law.