
(Wireframe) A Geographic Analysis of Russian Economic Development, c. 1700-1913


This space will be used to provide context regarding Russia’s industrialization in the 19th century. This section will also address the relevant research questions:

  • How did the industrialization of Russia in the late 19th century impact economic development in the borderlands of the rapidly expanding Russian Empire?
  • To what extent did economic development occur outside of Russia’s industrial core regions (Central, Ural, Volga)?
  • How did the diverse geography of Russia impact the development of particular industries during the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

Data Overview

This section will provide context regarding the database and the types of information contained within. This will also include an introduction to the visualization dashboard below, focusing the particular portions of the data being analyzed.


This section will be used to explain key findings from the data above, addressing the research questions and highlighting any outliers or “exceptions to the rule”.


Re-address the research questions from the introduction with the data above and bring the argument & analysis to a close.

One Comment

  • Maeve Kane

    Since it sounds like you’re doing a more essay format argument, you may want to include a few smaller graphs in your overview section to show the distribution and kind of information you’re working with. Like, breakdown of capital investment in different regions is one graph, year distribution of regions is another.